30 novembre, 2004

Bienvenue au jeune independant

Le danois Maersk concessionnaire d’un terminal à conteneurs
e prod: terminal à conteneurs du nouveau port Tanger-Méditerranée, concession de 30 ans

e prod: une zone franche de 98 ha

e prod: une deuxième zone franche de 600 ha, située à 20 km du port pour les industries d’exportation

Dell deal helps amplify debate about incentives

Dell deal helps amplify debate about incentives: "In 2000, Nissan Motor Co. got the first piece of what's now a $363 million package from Mississippi. Earlier this year, Texas Instruments Inc. got grants and tax breaks estimated to be in the $280 million range to build a $3 billion semiconductor factory in Richardson. In early 2003, Toyota got a package valued at about $161 million for a plant in San Antonio."
E > fina >subventions

29 novembre, 2004

Voila > l'Actualit� >

Voila > l'Actualit� >: "La restructuration annonc�e mercredi par Alcan (aluminium et emballage) se traduira par la suppression de 520 emplois en Europe, la fermeture de trois usines en Belgique, en France et en Italie et la vente de deux usines fran�aises."

Le Revenu

Henkel va supprimer 3.000 emplois dans le monde d'ici 2006

Courrier international : Les d�p�ches

Courrier international : Les d�p�ches: " Knjaz Milos qui couvre 55% du march� serbe d'eau min�rale"

WIStv.com Columbia, SC: Camden refrigerator plant lays off 96

WIStv.com Columbia, SC: Camden refrigerator plant lays off 96: "off 96 workers from their jobs" Haier

Luring Dell may hinge on gift of site

Luring Dell may hinge on gift of site: "Free land --150 acres of it -- was a key component of the $46 million incentives deal the company won from Nashville, Tenn., in 1999 to build a manufacturing plant similar to the one planned in the Triad."

Petroleum company to pay EPA fines

Petroleum company to pay EPA fines: "Citgo Petroleum has agreed to pay nearly $35,000 in penalties after federal inspectors said its program for preventing spills at its Louisville terminal needed improvement."

Petroleum company to pay EPA fines

Petroleum company to pay EPA fines: "Citgo Petroleum has agreed to pay nearly $35,000 in penalties after federal inspectors said its program for preventing spills at its Louisville terminal needed improvement."

Alcan possède une partie de la rivière Saguenay

Bienvenue sur transnationale.org
Plusieurs kilomètres de la rivière Saguenay, l'une des plus importantes au Canada, appartiennent à la multinationale Alcan, et ce, pour l'éternité.

26 novembre, 2004

Chicago Tribune | Incentives help land 2,100 jobs for northwest suburbs

Chicago Tribune | Incentives help land 2,100 jobs for northwest suburbs: " a $25 million incentive package to help a national mortgage company expand in Illinois...Under the deal, Ameriquest Mortgage Co."
e fina subv

Franklin settles charges of fraud / Mutual fund admits no guilt regarding securities violations

Franklin settles charges of fraud / Mutual fund admits no guilt regarding securities violations: "San Mateo's Franklin Resources, the nation's fourth-largest mutual fund company, has agreed to pay $18 million to settle state charges that it secretly paid investment brokers to steer customers to its funds."
e fina

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage: "Henkel annonce 3.000 suppressions d'emplois et des provisions suppl�mentaires "

La Tribune - Alcan va supprimer 520 postes en Europe

La Tribune - Alcan va supprimer 520 postes en Europe

Maytag announces 150 layoffs at Amana plant

Maytag announces 150 layoffs at Amana plant

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage: "Henkel annonce 3.000 suppressions d'emplois et des provisions suppl�mentaires "

Newsday.com - Business: Long Island and New York City

Newsday.com - Business: Long Island and New York City: "Computer Associates' new president and chief-executive designate will receive a pay package worth more than $8.6 million "

25 novembre, 2004

AIG accepte une amende de $80 mlns et un expert ind�pendant /NYT

AIG accepte une amende de $80 mlns et un expert ind�pendant /NYT: "d'une amende de 80 millions de dollars et l'intervention d'un expert ext�rieur pour mettre fin aux enqu�tes dont il fait l'objet pour avoir aid� des entreprises � gonfler frauduleusement leurs b�n�fices"

E fina delinquance

150 face layoffs as J.C. Penney's O'Hara center to close

150 face layoffs as J.C. Penney's O'Hara center to close:
The Canadian company that acquired Eckerd drugstores in southwestern Pennsylvania from the J.C. Penney Co. plans to close an O'Hara distribution center that employs 150.
..."CVS got a mail-order operation in O'Hara and 1,200 stores located in states such as Florida, Texas and Arizona."
e acti+soci

Le Revenu

Le Revenu: "d'offres pour la vente de 55% des parts de sa compagnie nationale de t�l�communications, Turk Telekom"

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Ecology fines Kaiser plant for river pollution

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Ecology fines Kaiser plant for river pollution: "The state Department of Ecology has fined Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Co. $40,000 for releasing dangerous PCBs into the Spokane River"
e > envi

24 novembre, 2004

L.A. Utility Overbilled by $4.2 Million, Audit Says

L.A. Utility Overbilled by $4.2 Million, Audit Says: "overcharged the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power by $4.2 million through 'unsubstantiated, unsupported and questionable' billings"...Richard Kline, regional president of Fleishman-Hillard, acknowledged for the first time in public Tuesday that some of the firm's bills were not supported by documentation, but he said they amount to no more than $652,457 over five years

L.A. Utility Overbilled by $4.2 Million, Audit Says

L.A. Utility Overbilled by $4.2 Million, Audit Says: "overcharged the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power by $4.2 million through 'unsubstantiated, unsupported and questionable' billings"...Richard Kline, regional president of Fleishman-Hillard, acknowledged for the first time in public Tuesday that some of the firm's bills were not supported by documentation, but he said they amount to no more than $652,457 over five years

01net. - Du satellite pour noircir les�zones blanches de l'ADSL

01net. - Du satellite pour noircir les�zones blanches de l'ADSL
conso communications > INTERNET par satellite

22 novembre, 2004

bourse en direct, conseils boursiers : cercle finance

bourse en direct, conseils boursiers : cercle finance: "Soci�t� G�n�rale: acquiert 75% du capital de Hanseatic Bank."

17 novembre, 2004

TPS - Profil d'entreprise & marques

TPS - Profil d'entreprise & marques: Actionnaires: TF1 66% TPS 50%... Il y a là un peu trop de pourcentages...

16 novembre, 2004

Scotsman.com Business - Technology - Microsoft signs up for tie-up with Indian firms

Scotsman.com Business - Technology - Microsoft signs up for tie-up with Indian firms: "

SOFTWARE giant Microsoft has signed multi-million dollar software partnerships with two of India�s leading outsourcing firms.

The firm�s chief executive, Steve Ballmer, said it has also stepped up plans to hire more programmers in the south Asian nation.

The deals will allow the two companies, Infosys Technologies and Wipro, to use Microsoft technologies to build software for their clients. "

World Community Grid - Home

World Community Grid - Home

World Community Grid's mission

T&C World Community Grid's mission is to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity. Our work is built on the belief that technological innovation combined with visionary scientific research and large-scale volunteerism can change our world for the better. IBM Corporation, a leader in the creation, development and manufacture of the industry's most advanced information technologies, has donated the hardware, software, technical services and expertise to build the infrastructure for World Community Grid and provides free hosting, maintenance and support.

15 novembre, 2004

Newsday.com - AP Regional

Newsday.com - AP Regional: "Bayer announced in September it would cut 1,800 positions nationally after it struck an alliance with Schering-Plough, which will take over marketing and distribution for some drugs. "
E soci
E part


IOL: SADC: "Italy's biggest construction company, Impregilo, was hauled before the Lesotho High Court this week as authorities launched their sixth corruption prosecution relating to the multibillion-dollar Lesotho Highlands Water Project."...Impregilo faces five charges of bribery
E corruption


T&C «La vérité, rien que la vérité, toute la vérité? Les recherches que Philip Morris ne voulait pas vous laisser voir». Sous ce titre, la prestigieuse revue médicale britannique The Lancet publie cette semaine un article signé d'un informaticien et de deux médecins: Pascal Diethlem et Jean-Charles Rielle (de Genève) et Martin McKee (de Londres). Depuis 1982, le géant du tabac avait en main des résultats scientifiques prouvant la nocivité de la cigarette pour les non-fumeurs.

13 novembre, 2004

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage: "es groupes Grohe et Hansgrohe ont �galement dit avoir �t� vis�s par l'enqu�te. Grohe est contr�l� par les soci�t�s de capital-risque Texas Pacific Group et Credit Suisse First Boston Private Equity. Son rival Hansgrohe est d�tenu majoritairement par l'am�ricain Masco Corp.."

08 novembre, 2004


Cyberpresse, 26 janvier 2004
Brown Shoe Co. a remercié les 304 travailleurs de sa dernière usine de chaussures en Amérique du Nord, située à Perth, à une heure au sud d'Ottawa.

Les Echos - Archives des Echos : Consultation d'articles

Les Echos - Archives des Echos : Consultation d'articles: "Les r�sultats d'AOL pour les ann�es 2000 et 2001 seront donc recalcul�s, et ce pourrait �tre aussi le cas de ceux pour l'ann�e 2002."

Yahoo! - NESTLE N profile

Yahoo! - NESTLE N profileCA et bénéfs 2003

Wolverine World Wide

Wolverine World Wide: " The Two Ten Foundation, The United Way, The American Heart Association, Youth Common Wealth"

Wolverine World Wide

Wolverine World Wide: " The Two Ten Foundation, The United Way, The American Heart Association, Youth Common Wealth"

Wolverine World Wide

Wolverine World Wide

brown shoe

Shoe Styles


Timberland: "humanity, humility, integrity, and excellence."
dans E image valeurs


Timberland: "humanity, humility, integrity, and excellence."


Timberland: "Verit� (China, India, Turkey)
CARE (Bangladesh, Vietnam)
World Education
CIPAF (Dominican Republic)
SUMMA (Dominican Republic)
Chinese Working Women Network (China)
Population Council (Thailand)
Oxfam (Dominican Republic)"
dans E Image partenaire



China Labor Watch

China Labor Watch

From March until mid-April, the factory had only paid each of their 4,000 workers a mere 50 RMB in wages; the wages were not enough to pay for the workers’ living expenses. (bit 1?)

At the Stella factory, every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, workers work for a continuous 11 hours; on Wednesdays and Saturdays, they work for 8 hours.

the rush season, workers must work overtime every day.

05 novembre, 2004

Radio-Canada | R�gions | Nouvelles

Radio-Canada | R�gions | Nouvelles: "La compagnie de tabac JTI MacDonald et huit de ses dirigeants sont officiellement accus�s de fraude et de complot relativement � la contrebande de cigarette durant les ann�es 90."

04 novembre, 2004

Lefigaro.fr, l'actualit� francophone au quotidien

Lefigaro.fr, l'actualit� francophone au quotidien
Intermarché supprime 1 000 emplois chez Spar
Le Figaro - Paris,France 14 octobre 2004
C'est le dernier plan d'un programme de restructuration entamé il ya deux ans pour concentrer les activités de Spar sur le commerce de gros et le hard ...

Yahoo! News - Unisys Announces Job Cuts

Yahoo! News - Unisys Announces Job Cuts: "1,400 jobs, mainly in general and administrative areas, and consolidate its office space worldwide. The job losses represent 3.8 percent of Unisys's total staff of 37,000. "

Pontiac GM plant to lose 900 jobs

Pontiac GM plant to lose 900 jobs: "Pontiac GM plant to lose 900 jobs"

Yahoo! News - American Airlines to lay off 1,100 pilots and ground staff

Yahoo! News - American Airlines to lay off 1,100 pilots and ground staff

Yahoo! News - Tenneco Automotive Plans to Cut 250 Jobs

Yahoo! News - Tenneco Automotive Plans to Cut 250 Jobs: "Tenneco Automotive Plans to Cut 250 Jobs "


TelecomWeb: "has charged the company multiple counts of securities fraud and other violations of federal securities laws. The SEC alleges that Qwest, between 1999 and 2002, fraudulently booked more $3.8 billion in revenue and excluded $231 million in expenses as part of a multi-faceted scheme to meet optimistic and unsupportable revenue and earnings projections. "...
The judgment also directs Qwest to pay a civil penalty of $250 million and $1 disgorgement. The entire penalty amount will be distributed to defrauded investors pursuant to the Fair Funds provision of Sarbanes-Oxley
E fina delinquance


Cirio cède Del Monte Foods à Fresh Del Monte

Le groupe agroalimentaire italien en liquidation Cirio a conclu la cession, pour 275 millions d'euros (hors dette), d'une partie importante de ses activités, regroupées sous le nom de Del Monte Foods, à la société cotée américaine homonyme Fresh Del Monte Produce. Del Monte Foods affiche un chiffre d'affaires annuel de 360 millions d'euros, dispose de plantations d'ananas au Kenya et en Thaïlande, d'usines de conditionnement en Afrique du Sud, au Kenya et en Grèce notamment, et emploie 7 500 personnes.
le figaro, 19 juillet 2004
E prod, acti

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage: "up to 2.3 billion pounds returned to them in the form of a giant share buyback."

Hedge funds - La NASD inflige une amende de $250.000 � Citigroup

Hedge funds - La NASD inflige une amende de $250.000 � Citigroup: "'rendement cibl�' sans base saine pour �valuer cet objectif, pr�sentaient � mauvais escient des courbes de rendements hypoth�tiques et n'informaient pas suffisamment sur les risques encourus" E fina delinquance

Mittal builds an industrial giant: printer friendly version

Mittal builds an industrial giant: printer friendly version: "The new Mittal Steel will be made up of Mittal's two companies, LNM Holdings and Ispat International, as well as the International Steel Group, which he is acquiring from the U.S. financier Wilbur Ross."+autres infos dans cet article

WHIOTV.com - News - Picketers Protest Layoffs While AK Steel Show Profits

WHIOTV.com - News - Picketers Protest Layoffs While AK Steel Show Profits: "AK Steel "100 workers are laid off

News 10 Now | 24 Hour Local News | ALL NEWS | Corning plant announces layoffs

News 10 Now | 24 Hour Local News | ALL NEWS | Corning plant announces layoffs: "twenty production workers at the Corning plant in Canton."

Layoffs begin at The Dallas Morning News - 2004-10-27 - Dallas Business Journal

Layoffs begin at The Dallas Morning News - 2004-10-27 - Dallas Business Journal: "We've said we were going to lay off around 250 people" dans notre base, c'est Belo Corp...

IBM board approves $4bn share buyback | newratings.com

IBM board approves $4bn share buyback | newratings.com: "Michael Eskew, the chairman and CEO of United Parcel Service (UPS) and a former director of 3M Company (MMM), has been selected to join its board of directors"

IBM board approves $4bn share buyback | newratings.com

IBM board approves $4bn share buyback | newratings.com: "
IBM board approves $4bn share buyback"


NewsFinder: "TeliaSonera to undertake SEK 10 billion share buyback " convertir en euros


Channelnewsasia.com: "The Stella factory makes shoes for name-brand companies like Brown, Wolverine, World, Timberland and Clark, the rights group said. "

Viacom announces $8bn share buyback; ups dividend, forecasts | newratings.com

Viacom announces $8bn share buyback; ups dividend, forecasts | newratings.com: "Viacom Inc (VIA.NYS), a US-based media giant, has announced a $8 billion share buyback program,"

The Globe and Mail

The Globe and Mail: "Canadian National Railway Co. announced a $920-million share buyback program"
attention ce sont des dollars canadiens, convertir en dollars US sur yahoo finance > currency, parmi vos favoris

AP Wire | 10/29/2004 | Forty ConocoPhillips jobs to be eliminated

AP Wire | 10/29/2004 | Forty ConocoPhillips jobs to be eliminated: "ConocoPhillips plans to eliminate at least 40 technician jobs at its plant here by the end of 2005, union and city officials said."

AP Wire | 10/29/2004 | Forty ConocoPhillips jobs to be eliminated

AP Wire | 10/29/2004 | Forty ConocoPhillips jobs to be eliminated: "ConocoPhillips plans to eliminate at least 40 technician jobs at its plant here by the end of 2005, union and city officials said."

Le Revenu

Le Revenu: "La Commission europ�enne a annonc� vendredi son feu vert � la prise de contr�le exclusif, par la holding fran�aise Wendel, du fran�ais Bureau Veritas"

Forbes.com: W.R. Grace Is Target of Federal Probe

Forbes.com: W.R. Grace Is Target of Federal Probe: E envi
"investigation involving possible obstruction of federal agency proceedings as well as violations of and conspiracy to violate federal environmental laws. "

Industrial facilities fined by EPA

Industrial facilities fined by EPA: "The companies were American Synthetic Rubber Co., Borden Chemical Inc., Zeon Chemicals, Noveon and Superior Solvents & Chemicals Inc.
Another site � the CITGO Petroleum Corp. terminal on Camp Ground Road � had five deficiencies"

ABN Amro faces money laundering probe - Breaking News - http://www.theage.com.au

ABN Amro faces money laundering probe - Breaking News - http://www.theage.com.au: "ABN Amro also reported that its earnings jumped 26 per cent in the third quarter, boosted by a $US272.9 million ($A364 million) gain from the sale of its 81-per cent stake in Bank of Asia. "...
The bank, which is the world's 20th-largest with some $US600 billion ($A802 billion) in assets,The bank, which is the world's 20th-largest with some $US600 billion ($A802 billion) in assets,

PrimeZone's News Room

PrimeZone's News Room: "Ahold today announced it has partially completed the sale of its 99.94% controlling interest in Disco S.A. to Chilean retailer Cencosud S.A."

Forbes.com: Cooper Board OKs New Share Buyback

Forbes.com: Cooper Board OKs New Share Buyback: "Cooper Industries"

Forbes.com: Cooper Board OKs New Share Buyback

Forbes.com: Cooper Board OKs New Share Buyback: "Cooper Industries"

PennLive.com: NewsFlash - Aramark OKs $200M extra share buyback

PennLive.com: NewsFlash - Aramark OKs $200M extra share buyback

PennLive.com: NewsFlash - Aramark OKs $200M extra share buyback

PennLive.com: NewsFlash - Aramark OKs $200M extra share buyback

BAE Chief Operating Officer Steve Mogford approved company payments to Saudi officials to help win business, the British Broadcasting Corporation reported last month.
e corruption

The Globe and Mail

The Globe and Mail: "BCE Emergis "would lay off about 150 of its 1,050 employees in the fourth quarter.

The New York Times > Technology > AOL Is Said to Plan 700 Layoffs

The New York Times > Technology > AOL Is Said to Plan 700 Layoffs: "merica Online, the country's leading Internet service, is preparing to lay off as many as 700 of its 13,000 employees in the United States, according to an executive knowledgeable about its plans."

03 novembre, 2004





Le 18h.com : C'est le montant des pr�ts accord�s par l'ex-PDG de Tyco

E fina delinquance Le 18h.com : C'est le montant des pr�ts accord�s par l'ex-PDG de Tyco: "Le PDG, aujourd�hui inculp� pour abus de biens sociaux, vol, fraude et corruption, a octroy� des pr�ts � 51 de ses employ�s sans exiger de remboursement en retour. Ces employ�s contractaient des dettes aupr�s de la compagnie et Denis Kozlowski leur permettait ensuite de ne pas honorer les remboursements, tout cela, bien s�r, en laissant croire que le conseil d�administration approuvait ces transactions. Le montant de la fraude s�est �lev� � 56,4 millions de dollars. Denis Koslowski a aussi tir� profit de ces � pr�ts � puisque, en plus des 56,4 millions de dollars c�d�s � ses employ�s, l�ex-PDG a b�n�fici�, dans les m�mes conditions, de 33 millions de dollars. "

02 novembre, 2004

Novartis n'est pas actionnaire de Ciba SC

Yahoo! - CIBA SC profileNovartis n'est pas actionnaire de Ciba SC, à la différence par exemple de Ciba Vision.

700 licenciements chez AOL et des milliers de suppressions d'emplois chez EDS Carnet Atelier.fr

700 licenciements chez AOL et des milliers de suppressions d'emplois chez EDS Carnet Atelier.fr: "700 licenciements chez AOL et des milliers de suppressions d'emplois chez EDS"


liste des marques de Tyco compléter la BD

www.mineweb.net | sections | what's new W.R. Grace targeted by grand jury probe

www.mineweb.net | sections | what's new W.R. Grace targeted by grand jury probe: social "Grace is already the defendant in 65,656 asbestos-related lawsuits"
envi: In 2001, the Environmental Protection Agency sued Grace in federal district court in Montana, seeking compensation for the EPA's costs in cleaning up the Libby mine, which was declared a Superfund site. A federal court ruled against Grace in August 2003, and ordered the company to pay $54.5 million. The federal court ordered Grace be responsible for paying EPA's future costs to clean up hundreds of residential and commercial facilities allegedly contaminated by the operation. That decision was appealed...Nearly 200 deaths have been blamed by local residents on the vermiculite mine.